Specimen: #20282
Locality: Amelia Mine, Santa Rosalia (El Boleo), Boleo District, Mun. de Mulege, Baja California Sur (BC Sur), Mexico
Size: 5mm x 4mm x 3mm
Size description: Thumbnail
Shipping: USA 8.60, Canada 11.80, Worldwide 12.80, China via UPS 29.00 (USD)
Price: USD 290   ADD TO CART

An exceptional and extremely rare cumengeite star crystal of 5mm from the type locality of Amelia Mine, Boleo District, Mexico. Cumengeite is much rarer than the boleite and the best specimens come from this mine. It displays a perfect, sharp, text book like single crystal with symmetry and pyramidal terminations. The crystal has a gorgeous royal-blue color. It has a strong glassy luster. This is a classic Mexican rarity. In excellent condition. On acrylic base.

Excellent cumengeite!